CGI Mini
Sloped Panel
Ball cap
Ball cap
300mm maximum
Step without post or ball cap
Step with post or ball cap
Ground distanc
Sloped Panel
Ball cap
Ball cap
300mm maximum
Step without post or ball cap
Step with post or ball cap
Ground distanc
Maximum 2/3 of
the fence height
Tapering occurs over the last two panels
Fence height
Tapering may be required at the free end of a fence. Refer to the
‘Design Guide’ to check if this is applicable to your situation. The
fence will need to be tapered down to at least two thirds of the
total fence height. Tapering is to occur over the last two panels.
Depending on your fence configuration a longer top track may
be required.
The end and middle posts should be cut to the required height.
The middle posts need to be cut halfway between the full fence
height and the end post height. Position the posts on the
ground and install the bottom tracks. Making sure the posts are
perpendicular to the bottom tracks, mark and cut the top tracks
to fit. A longer track may be required in some configurations.
Once cut, the top tracks can be fixed into the frame. Using the
method for a standard panel, concrete the posts into place.
The top of each sheet will need to be cut before installing. Use
the frame as a template to mark the sheets for cutting. Allow
a total of 10mm clearance to ensure the sheets fit correctly in
the tracks. Avoid using an angle grinder to cut the sheets as
the swarf may stain the paint. Install the cut sheets as with a
standard panel installation.
Figure 3.5
Figure 6.0
Figure 4.0
Measure the ground distance between the holes and cut the
longer lengths of track to suit. (For slopes less than two degrees,
standard tracks and panels will suffice). Assemble the frame as
per the previous panel and place the fence into position. Fix the
new post to the existing post and concrete the hole. Continue to
assemble the next frame.
To install the sheets, both the top and bottom of each sheet will
need to be cut to match the angle of the tracks. Use the frame as
a guide to mark and cut the lines on the sheets. Allow a total of
10mm clearance to ensure the sheets fit correctly in the tracks.
Avoid using an angle grinder to cut the sheets as the swarf and
debris may stain the paint. Remove the top track on the panel
to install the sheets. With the sheets in place refit the top track
using the same method as with a standard fence. When using a
screen top extension, the lattice will also need to be cut to fit.
This should be done after the sheets are installed.
Figure 5.0
A stepped frame should be installed using the same procedure as
with a standard fence panel except the post of the higher panel
will need to be longer. This will ensure correct post embedment
in the footing, refer to Figure 5.0. All tracks and sheets in a
stepped fence remain the same size as for a standard panel. If
you intend to use post or ball caps both joining posts will need
to be the same height in order to sit flush at the top. This is
because a post or ball cap is designed to sit over two adjoining
posts. A post infill should be used to slide in the open post end,
refer to the post infill section on the back page.
The best visual result will be obtained when the sheet overlap is arranged to face away from the most commonly viewed angle.