This diagram depicts the default
Blood Wake
controls. Use the
Blood Wake
Options screen to select other configurations for
the controls.
Fire Primary Weapon
Fire Secondary Weapon
Look Around
Go Back
Pause Game
Change Camera
Select Weapon
Map Zoom
Menu Selection
Toggle Game
Even here in the gulf, rescue is nowhere in sight. The wind hunts
me with a long, cold-fingered reach that strangles lost words in my
throat before they cross my lips. Rain falls from every direction,
either straight down in torrents or whipped up from the waves. My
energy and hope sapped, I don’t know how long I can hang on.
Patrolling the Gulf of the Moon is usually one of the best duties
a young boat captain can draw—relative safety, warm waters,
and plenty of small coastal villages to provide food, drink, and
entertainment. The day we cast off was one of those days that
beckon young men to a life at sea. As commander, I had stood
proudly behind my helmsman while he guided our stout vessel
out of the harbor and into the gulf.
I am still not sure where the attack came from because it was so
fast and so final. I’ve been tossed about like a child’s wooden boat
for as best as I can tell, six days and nights, but the line between
sleep and wakefulness has become blurred save for one clear
thought that keeps me clinging for life—that I must find out who is
responsible for this devastating attack on my boat and crew. I draw
small comfort from the knowledge that I am the only one who
survived the onslaught, and that this one remaining chunk of hull is
all that separates me from the sharks. The thought had just crossed
my mind when I heard the distant hum of an
engine through the driving rain.
Game Controls