We are pleased that you have chosen the Storchenwiege
BabyCarrier and hope you
and your child will have a lovely time using it together.
With the Storchenwiege® BabyCarrier you can comfortably
carry your child from birth (about 3,5 kg) to about 15 kg
tummy to tummy and on your back. The Storchenwiege
Carrier is made of 100% cotton using the Storchenwiege
sling fabric, which has a diagonally elastic weave and has
stood the test of many years. As there is no padding in the
back section, it is ideal to bring out the supporting effect of
the diagonally elastic woven Storchenwiege
fabric. The bar
in the child’s leg area can be widened so that the child, what-
ever her age, always adopts the anatomically correct, splayed
“frog” position which is so important for the development of
young hips. The comfort of the Storchenwiege
BabyCarrier is
rounded off by an integrated head support and a hood. It is
even more comfortable to wear thanks to the padded shoulder
straps and a padded and adjustable belt, with a breakaway
These instructions include all the details necessary in our opinion and experience for using the carrier as intended. When carrying your
child in the Storchenwiege
Baby Carrier, always make sure that you are using the Storchenwiege
BabyCarrier properly in accordance
with the instructions. Storchenwiege
shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused by incorrect use of the product. If required
we recommend seeking advice from a midwife, babywearing consultant, physiotherapist or paediatrician.
Copyright by Storchenwiege
Reproduction, copying and processing on data mediums, even excerpts, permitted only with the consent of Storchenwiege