Description of the demonstration firmware functions
Doc ID 16881 Rev 2
Description of the demonstration firmware functions
The main features of the firmware are:
Brightness control for each LED
Color control for each LED
Error detection to detect LED failure
Simulation Tetris game.
The RGB LEDs are switched on to display letter 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'. Each letter represents
a menu option (or mode).
The firmware mode menu items:
Mode “A” interactive demonstration - color Tetris
Mode “B” wave color demonstration
Mode “C” solid color demonstration
Mode “D” error detection demonstration.
After power-up, the letter 'A' is displayed blinking. An action on a button or on the knob
allows to select the required mode and display another letter.
Figure 3.
The menu; the letter “A” indicates the first item of the menu
The board can be controlled by four buttons and one knob,
Button back/reset - exit from current task in to the main menu
Button left - turn the mode menu decrementally
Button center - enter the choosen mode in menu
Button right - turn the mode menu incrementally
Knob - changes the color of the menu from blue to red.
Figure 4.
The control buttons