Figure 9.
STEVAL-GLA001V1 evaluation board VDD selector components
For a 3.3 V compatible microcontroller, VDD must be connected to 3.3 V by setting the SW200 jumper to the
bottom (D211 LED lights up); this is the default position.
For a 5 V compatible microcontroller, VDD must be connected to 5 V by setting the SW200 jumper to the top
(D212 LED lights up).
As VDD is connected to either 5 V or 3.3 V, the VDD current capability must always be taken into account in
matters concerning the power supply secondary side.
“VDD” and “GND” test points are available to measure VDD voltage level.
Push buttons
Push button signals are available on J202 (user board) and J203 (
development board)
connectors. They are referenced regarding VDD and GND (refer to
Figure 10.
STEVAL-GLA001V1 evaluation board push button components
The push buttons are normally open and the signal is set to VDD. When a button is pressed, the signal is set to
GND. When the button is released, the signal returns to VDD.
“T1”, “T2”, “T3”, “TP+”, “TP-”, “Power Time +”, “Power Time -” and “GND” test points are available to measure
push button voltage level.
LED signals are available on J202 (user board) and J203 (
development board) connectors.The
microcontroller voltage level is not important as they use a transistor to be voltage compatible. LED1, LED2 and
LED3 are green, while the "Fault" LED4 is red.
Hardware function description
Rev 3
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