Stewart Filmscreen
The STI-100x Series of Controllers are designed to control residential, and commercial bidirectional
blind, drapery and projection screen motors The STI uses low voltage signals to control the mains high
voltage AC motor
The STI-100 supports both a close contact ,and voltage sense inputs There are two close contact inputs,
one for up and one for down These inputs require an external switch or relay to short these inputs to
ground The voltage sensing input will trigger an up or down
motor movement based on the voltage level A voltage
level between 5vdc and 12vdc will drive the motor down,
a 0vdc will drive the motor up The voltage level input is
triggered on the transition or change of voltage A signal
changing from 0 to 5v will trigger the down, a transition
from 5v to 0v will trigger an up All inputs are protected
from static discharge
If there is a change of direction, the motor is paused for ½
second before reversing direction This is to prevent strain
on the motor mechanism, and to prevent damage to any
material controlled by the motor Relays are automatically de-energized after 120 seconds of operation
to reduce power consumption
AC Wiring
There are four stranded 18 awg wires for connecting the motor and AC supply These are color coded
and are as follows:
High Voltage Wiring
AC Line
AC Neutral
Motor Up (red)
Motor Down (black)
An earth ground should also be used connectingthe motor ground and chassis The STI-100 does not
require a ground