Sand fuselage lightly. Sand cockpit side flush with edge of former F4. Round corners of
nose. Bevel edges of F20 with fuselage sides.
Set fuselage aside until final assembly.
Tail Group
The horizontal and vertical stabilizers, rudder, elevator, and sub-fin are designated with a “H”, “V”, “R”, or
“E”, as appropriate, followed by a numeric. Parts have been numbered so that the assembly and required
parts follows in numeric order.
Assemble parts over the plan, protecting the plan with the poly bag that
this kit was shipped in.
Dry assemble horizontal stabilizer over the plan, from parts H1 through H5 (sheet 07/09,
3/32 in. balsa). Bond with thin CA. Lightly sand stabilizer, rounding the leading edge and
leaving the trailing edge square. Locate the elevator part E. Bevel the straight leading
edge at a 45 degree angle, following the “Elevator and Aileron Tape Hinge Diagram “ on the
wing detail sheet. Lightly sand the elevator, leaving the trailing edge square.
Dry assemble the vertical stabilizer and rudder over the plan from parts V1 through V5
(sheet 08/09, 3/32 in. balsa) and R1 through R4 (sheet 08/09, 3/32 in. balsa). Bond rudder
and stabilizer parts with thin CA. Note: do not bond rudder to the stabilizer. Lightly sand
stabilizer, rounding the leading edge and leave the trailing edge square.
Bevel the leading edge of the rudder at a 45 degree angle, following the “Rudder Tape
Hinge Diagram” on the fuselage detail sheet. Lightly sand the rudder, leaving the trailing
edge square.
The wing is composed of one spar, leading edge, trailing edge, ribs and tip sheeting. Wing parts are
designated with a “W” followed by a numeric. Parts have been numbered so that the wing assembly and
required parts follows in numeric order from W1 to W15.
The wing is assembled one half at a time - left side first, then mirror build sequence to the right side.
When a part is required in the build sequence (for instance “W3”) refer to the detail sheet for part
You will dry fit the majority of this wing assembly together only gluing at the final instructional steps.
When parts cannot easily be retained with friction, use a single tiny drop of medium CA glue applied
sparingly through a CA glue applicator tip to “tack glue” the part in place. Should you commit an error in
assembly it will be easier to recover from the mistake and remove or correct the part fit in error if you do
not slather the assembly in glue after each step! Further, this method of assembly will allow our
interlocking design to do it’s job as each successive part installed within the wing will help pull the entire
structure square and true.
Begin by building left half of wing. Join parts W1a (sheet 05/09, 1/16 in. balsa) and W1b
(sheet 05/09, 1/16 in. balsa) along the matching dove-tail joints, to create W1 main spar.
Using the detail sheet as a guide, dry fit left side rib W2 (sheet 05/09, 1/16 in. balsa) to main
spar W1. Note: The bottoms of all ribs should seat flush with bottom of spars.
Fit rib W3 (sheet 05/09, 1/16 in. balsa) to outer slot of spar W1. Refer back to plan for part
Fit trailing edge W4 (sheet 07/09, 3/32 in. balsa) to ribs W2, and W3. Properly seat then
tack glue assembled parts to retain within assembly.
Build Instructions
Swift (100)
- Build Instructions © 2014 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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