6.2. Dry ing hop per (op tio nal)
The ma te ri al is dried in the dry ing hop per. The de hu mi di fied air is for ced through the ma te ri al in
the hop per, col lec ting moi stu re in the pro cess. The dry ing hop per must be di men sio ned ac cor -
ding to its in ten ded use to en su re that the fi nal moi stu re con tent is at tai ned. When the hop per is fil -
led for the first time or at the start of a dry ing pro ce du re, the ma te ri al in the hop per must be dried
com ple te ly be fo re ma te ri al can be re mo ved from the hop per for the first time.
When ma te ri al is con ti nu ous ly re mo ved from the hop per, ma te ri al must also be con ti nu ous ly fed
into the dry ing hop per. The new (moist) ma te ri al is fed into the dry ing hop per from the top and
slowly mo ves downward to ward the ma te ri al suc ti on box. As the ma te ri al mo ves up ward, it is
dried un til its fi nal moi stu re con tent is at tai ned.
To en su re pro per con ti nu ous dry ing, we re com mend that the dry ing hop per al ways is kept com -
ple te ly fil led. Au to ma tic con vey ors, such as the mo dels in clu ded in our de li very pro gram, op ti mi ze
the au to ma ti on of the ma te ri al flow.
When ma te ri al is con ti nu ous ly re mo ved from the hop per, but no ma te ri al
is con ti nu ous ly fed into the dry ing hop per (batch dry ing), the ma te ri al le -
vel may not fall be low 40 %.
Clo se the thrott le val ves.
STT 500
Functio nal des crip ti on 6-3
Содержание Sterling Dehumidifier STT 500
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