5.6.1. Re set ting the con trol va lu es
This elec tri cal work is in ten ded to be car ried out only by trai ned per son nel.
Af ter chan ging the bat te ry or the PLC the con trol va lu es should be re set -
All con trol va lu es are set back to the stan dard set tings.
Open the con trol box with the switch box key which is part of the supp ly.
Turn the key to the STOP po si ti on.
Turn the key to the MRES po si ti on.
Hold the key in this po si ti on un til the STOP-LED co mes on for the se cond time and re mains on
(this ta kes 3 se conds).
Turn the key to the STOP po si ti on.
Wit hin 3 se conds you must turn the switch back to the MRES po si ti on.
Hold the key un til the STOP-LED flas hes.
When the CPU has com ple ted the re set, the STOP-LED stops flas hing
and re mains lit.
Clo se the con trol box.
STT 500
Main ten an ce 5-13
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