QCRO Manual 180728.docx
Congratulations, you have just purchased one of
the finest reverse osmosis drinking water
appliances available.
Like any other fine product, this appliance requires
periodic maintenance in accordance with the
schedule outlined below.
Your new Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) drinking water
system uses a combination of filtration technologies
to reduce unwanted contaminants in a water
supply. The following steps combine to give you the
best quality drinking water:
- The sediment pre-
filter will remove the larger particles such as silt,
rust and scale. Its 5 micron (equal to 0.0002 inch)
nominal rating helps to give maximum life to the
R.O. membrane and carbon filter.
- The first
carbon filter contains granular activated carbon
which removes chlorine and absorbs organics that
can damage the membrane. The second carbon
filter is a carbon block that has activated carbon
with a smaller pore size to increase the range of
organics removed and extend the amount of
chlorine reduction. Carbon block filter has a five
micron rating to further protect the membrane.
-The R.O.
membrane is the heart of the filtration system. It is
designed to reduce the dissolved mineral content of
the water. Minerals picked up in the environment by
the water are measured as Total Dissolved Solids
(T.D.S.).In the reverse osmosis process, dissolved
minerals are separated from the incoming water
(feed water) to produce the product water
(permeate). The excess minerals are rinsed to
drain (reject water). The spiral wound construction
of the R.O. membrane provides maximum surface
area for water production and is less susceptible to
fouling by particulate matter, turbidity and colloidal
- The Inline
carbon post filter cartridge contains carbon particles
with a vast network of pores. The tremendous
surface area of these pores (typically 800-1200
square meters per gram of carbon) gives the
carbon very good adsorptive sites for chlorine as
well as other substances that contribute to tastes
and odors. The product water from the membrane
as well as the holding tank passes through the
activated carbon post-filter on the way to the
dispensing faucet. The activated carbon post filter
reduces tastes and odors that may pass through
the system. It adds a final “polish” to the water.
Recommended Filter Change Schedule*
1 - Pre-
filter, 10”, 5 Micron
6 Months
2 - Granulated Activated
6 Months
Carbon Pre-Filter
3 - Carbon Block Pre-filter
6 Months
4 - Reverse Osmosis
24-36 Months
5 - Inline Carbon Post Filter
6 Months
*Based on standard conditions