plugged onto your module systems power-bus. Again, with the red wire pointing
"In" jack
This is the typical 3.5 mm mono jack where to put an
ordinary audio signal. The signal can origin from your
mixer, an oscillator-module system or a synth-output -
the DELUXE DELAY eats audio of all levels.
"Level" knob
This knob is a simple attenuator to get the sometimes
very high audiolevels of the eurorack world (up to 20
Vpp) down to a level, the delaychip does not distort
anymore (about 5V pp), even if the Send-VCA is fully
open. The input signal itself, which will be mixed with
the delay by the „mix“ knob is not altered by the
„Level“ knob.
Send-VCA with CV-jack and switch
Creative note
You might ask yourself now „What? What? Wait.
I don't get it! What is it good for?“ Well, it is just this Send-VCA making the DELUXE
DELAY that unique. This feature allows continuois and precise control of the amount of
delay on a special musical moment. 'Ordinary' delays endlessly paint the input signal with
their echos, often resulting in an undefined sound-mash. Our DELUXE DELAY allows you e.g.
to send a drumloop through it and put delay on JUST a snaredrum, keeping the rest of the
loop completely dry.
Thats how to do it: tilt the switch to the left to close the Send-VCA and send a control
voltage into the Send-VCA CV-jack. The control voltage is 0 Volt per default and goes high
(e.g. +5V) for just that short moment, the snare is present. As long as the CV is high, it opens
the VCA letting the short passage with the snare sound pass through into the delayunit. The
CV drops back to 0 Volt, closes the Send-VCA and the rest of the loop will therefore NOT be
painted with the delay effect.
The feedback of the delay with the echoes of your snare are NOT influenced by the Send-
VCA and fade out naturally by getting back into the delayunit independently. Of course the
Send-VCA can not only be ON or OFF; the modulation of the Send-VCA is stepless.
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015