d) Grounding the inverter
Do not install the inverter in a positive ground DC system.
To identify a positive ground DC system, look for the positive terminal of
the battery connected to the chassis or to a central grounding point.
e) Connecting to a power source
Usually, the power source is a battery (or group of batteries) which is
recharged by an alternator.
1.- Make sure the inverter’s power switch is on OFF position and there
are no liquids near of it.
2.- Connect the eye-type terminals (supplied with the inverter). Place
the black cable in the middle of the negative connector (-), and place the
red cable in the positive connector (+).
3.- Tighten the screws firmly to hold the cables.
4.- Use the red alligator to connect it to positive end (+) in the power
5.- Use the black alligator to connect the inverter to power source’s
negative end (-).
6.- Turn the inverter on. The indicator light and the surge
indicator will light up.
7.- Turn the inverter. The installation finished.
If the polarity is inverted, may cause several and permanent
damages in the inverter.
You will watch some sparks when connect the battery to the
inverter. Make sure there are not flammable liquids near the
inverter, may cause an explosion.
Este Kit es ideal para estudiantes o aficionados a la meca
trónica ya que permite desarrollar la creatividad en la pro