ample, if the source day is Thursday and the des-
tination day is Monday, the copy will only include
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Erasing of the programming
You must proceed as follows to erase a program-
ming period.
1. Access the Programming mode as described
previously by pressing down the day of the week
button to modify. The period number will blink
and you must adjust it using the + or - button in
order to select the period to be erased;
2. It is not necessary to press down the Mode but-
ton to confirm the period selection, but you can
do it;
3. Simultaneously press down the + and – buttons
during 2 seconds to erase the period program-
ming. The hour displays --:-- and the set point
displays -- to indicate that the programming is
4. The erased period number blinks and you can
select another period to be erased or exit the
Programming mode following one of the 3 meth-
ods described in the previous page.
Preprogrammed mode
The Preprogrammed mode allows an automatic
programming of the thermostat. Up to 252 prepro-
grammings (A0 to Z1 and 0 to 9; see appendix 1
attached) are defined in factory and easily acces-
sible. This mode gives you the possibility to quickly
program the thermostat using commonly used pre-
programmings without having to do it manually.
As from the Automatic mode, it is possible at any
time to manually adjust the set point. This set point
will be effective until the next set point change an-
ticipated by the preprogramming. Note that if the
set point is lowered to off (--.-), the programming
will not be effective.
From this mode, the screen displays the tempera-
ture, the heating power used, the set point, the
hour, the day of the week and the letter and the
current number of the pre-programming (A0 to Z1
and 0 to 9; displayed on the right-hand side of the
hour; see appendix 1 attached).
Choice of the preprogramming
You can only access the Preprogramming mode
when the thermostat is out of any programming
function or adjustment.
You must proceed as follows to access the Prepro-
gramming mode:
1. Press down the Pre Prog button;
2. The Pre Prog icon is then displayed and the
saved selected preprogramming is displayed as
well. This preprogramming can range between 0
and Z1;
3. From the Pre Prog mode, you can choose the
first 10 preprogrammings by pressing down
the Pre Prog button and release it successively.
Each time you press down the button, the pre-
programming switch from 0 to 9. Once you have
reach 9, you come back to 0;
To choose the advanced preprogrammings,
(see appendix 1), press down the Pre Prog but-
ton during 5 seconds. Then, the letter indicator
blinks and you can adjust it by pressing down
the + or - button successively or by holding
them down. Once the letter is chosen, you must
validate your choice by pressing down the Mode
button. Then, the letter ceases to blink and the
figure starts to blink. The choice of the figure is
made in the same way as that of the letter; using
the + or - button. Once the figure is selected, you
must validate your choice by pressing down the
Mode button.