At Stellarvue we believe you ‘get what you pay for,’ and cater to those who are looking for a high-quality
product with reliable optics. While making commercial grade mass-produced optics is relatively easy and fast,
it results in unreliable products. That’s why we take the time to make each apo-triplet lens as close to perfect
as possible.
People often ask us what type of glass we use, which is the
wrong question. While we use the best, lowest-dispesion glass
made, glass type says nothing of its consistency or
homogeneity. Bad glass makes bad optics, which is why it is
important to test each optic individually.
Stellarvue is a division of Auburn Precision Optics (APO). In
addition to making telescopes we make optics for defense and
space science. This has allowed us to expand our optical and
cnc machine shops here in Auburn, California. Using state of
the art testing equipment has significantly improved the optical
prowess of all SVX telescopes.
Mechanical quality is of extreme importance in making a world-
class instrument. Using CNC machines and high-quality materi-
als makes a substantial difference. Our mounting rings for apo
triplets 80 mm and bigger, for example are machined in our shop using 6061-6 aluminum and stainless steel.
These rings are far stronger than imported cast aluminum rings.
What makes the
SVX Premier
Series so unique?
Each SVX refractor telescope is individually assembled and tested using our advanced equipment to ensure
they meet our highest optical and mechanical standard. Our entire SVX line of telescopes use optics that are
hand figured in our optical shop in Auburn, California. After machine polishing we map the optical surfaces
using our Zygo Phase Shifting Laser Interferometer. This equipment is capable of measuring surfaces far more
accurately than test plates or other conventional methods. Using these data, we then make fine corrections by
hand and machine using special tools to eliminate zones, trefoil and other optical defects as we bring up the
optical accuracy as high as possible. When all of
this work is completed and the lens is essentially
perfect, we take one final measurement of the ob-
jective and print the report for the customer who
buys it. All SVX
objectives are accompanied with its unique Zygo
test report, boasting an extremely high Strehl ratio
with a smooth figure. SVX Premier Apo Triplets
are for the discerning (experienced) astronomer
who recognizes the crème de la crème when they
see it.
Why designate this series with an “X”?
We have made a number of significant break-
throughs these past two years in developing this
series. It took a major investment in staffing, cnc
machines, conventional spindles and a great deal
of individual commitment to reach this extreme
level of accuracy in a production instrument. For
this reason, we decided to differentiate these tele-
scopes with an “X” to signify extreme. These are
the telescopes to buy if you wish to view the uni-
verse visually and image it using matched field
flatteners that turn these exceptional lenses into
wide field astrographs.
Alex our Production Manager using Stellarvue’s
Zygo Phase Shifting Laser Interferometer to test
and adjust a Stellarvue Obective lens.
Sample screenshot taken during our Zygo Interferometer testing.
Your SVX130T telescope came with a printout just like this but it is
of its own test to verify its high optical standard.
This is your telescope’s report card.