Fresh Aero FlightLights
TLR Light Lens Mounting Kit
For Sonex Aircraft
3. Fitting the Lens
3.1 Cover the lens with painter’s tape on both sides to protect it from
abrasion during the cutting and fitting procedure (photo 9).
Layer the tape from both top and bottom edges, moving to the
center. In a future step, the tape will be removed, center first,
and used as a viewing window during final assembly. Do this on
both sides of lens.
one edge of the lens is marked “top”. Just transfer this mark to the
tape on the same edge.
3.2 Add a strip of tape to the upper and lower outside edge of lens
wing opening and mark a center line using the original lens
opening template.
3.3 Make a “handle” from duct tape and attach it to the lens, wrap-
ping the ends of the tape around the top and bottom of the lens
(photo 7). This “handle” will be used multiple times during the
fitting process.
Use an additional strip of tape on the inside of the “handle”, sticky
side to sticky side, to prevent your hands from sticking to the tape
(photo 7).
3.4 Mark the centerline of the lens on the tape handle at the top
and bottom edge of the lens (photo 7).
3.5 Insert the lens through the lens opening with the top edge
facing up. Squeeze the lens slightly to pass it through the hole.
Center the lens by matching the centerlines on the wing and
lens, top and bottom. Confirm that top and bottom of lens is
centered when pulling on the tape handle (photo 7, tape on
lens not shown for clarity).
3.6 While pulling on the tape handle, trace the opening on the
painters tape with a pencil or fine tip felt marker. This tracing
will be used to trim the top and bottom edges for fitting lens to
retainers. Release the lens and pull it against opening again to
confirm the correct location.
3.7 Remove the lens and remove the tape handle from the lens.
Store the handle for future use.