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SB-VW-CC/10W3v3  INSTR_SKU# 011333

Page 5 • JL Audio, Inc., 2012

S T E P   3 1

Secure the Grille Panels to the rear deck using the 10 #8 x 
1/2” Wafer Screws.

S T E P   3 0

Align the two Grille Panels over the openings as shown.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

You have completed the installation for this model!

Enjoy your new Stealthbox®!

Please refer to the Power Recommendation section for 

an amplifier recommendation and basic set-up help.

S T E P   2 9

Pictured is the rear deck after the openings have been cut 

S T E P   3 3

Reinstall the trunk sill panel and trunk floor panel.

S T E P   2 8

Cut out each of the marked openings.

S T E P   3 2

Reinstall the trunk liner, rear deck, C-pillar panels, rear seat 
bolsters, and rear seat cushion.
