Programming Instructions
Threshold Level
-- Numbers displayed in Green. This indicates the level that
must be achieved to cause a successful activation.
Incident Light Level
-- Numbers displayed in Red. This indicates the level at
which the Fiber Optic is currently sensing a reflection, i.e. how far away an
object is from the sensor.
-- Light On/Dark On
When set to Light On, the beam must be broken (covered) to activate
the signal to the chair. This is most commonly used in situations
when the Fiber Optic is being used to send drive or mode commands
to the chair.
When set to Dark On, the beam must be unbroken (uncovered) to
activate the signal to the chair. This is most commonly used in
situations when the Fiber Optic is being used as an emergency stop
function, such as a fiber optic attached to a sip-n-puff straw.
-- Tuning is used to precisely set the distance at which the activations
will occur. This will help produce a more precise driving experience.
Refer to the following sections for more information about tuning
and additional settings.
All of Stealth's
Fiber Optics
utilize the same amplifier.