Static Solutions Inc. - Ohm - Stat RT - 1000 Information
Solutions Strategies and Innovations
Static Solutions Inc.
Surface-To-Ground Measurements (RTG)
This procedure measures the surface resistance between a ground point
on the material surface and specific positions on the material being tested.
This procedure complies with the EOS/ESD S4.1 test standard.
Meter setup. With both test leads connected to the meter attach the
alligator clip to one banana plug and the other end to the 2.5 inch,
5 pound weight probe.
Attach the alligator clip to a known electrical ground such as a ground
snap on the mat or the electrical ground of the building. Position the
probe on the surface to be tested in accordance with the desired test
Press the test button until the resistivity, humidity, and temperature
test values are displayed on the LCD screen. These readings will
conform to: EIA, EOS/ESD, ANSI, IEC-93, CECC, and ASTM test
procedures. When performing tests, especially with higher resistance
materials, be sure the test lead wires do not touch each other or overlap
and that your hands are not in contact with the probes or wires during
the actual touching of the materials. This will ensure accurate readings
and prevent interference cross talk.
Figure 5
Ohm Stat - RT 1000 Point to ground (RTG) test
Calibration and Maintenance
requires no service or maintenance except
for an occasional cleaning of the rubber on the internal and external
test probes. A mild soap and water solution will remove dirt or other
harmful contaminants from both the rubber probes and the meter
case. Harsher solvents will affect the rubber probes and therefore
should not be used. When the meter is not used for an extended
period of time remove the battery and the coil cords to prevent
damage due to battery leakage and probe jack damage. Do not use a
alkaline 9 volt battery with the AC/DC power converter. If a power
converter is used a re-chargeable battery is recommended.
Ohm-Stat RT-1000
is calibrated to NIST traceable standards at
the factory. The calibration is done by using NIST traceable 1%
resistors , hygrometer and thermometer.. This method assures many
years of long life and accurate readings. Attaching 1% resistors to
the probes will verify this accuracy.
Figure 6
Ohm Stat CB - 9900 Calibration box