STARWADERS Portable Solar System Model
Packing Away
If there are still young people around when it is time to go home, they
can have some fun dismantling and packing the model away.
The plastic planets and Sun are packed into the bag first, (preferably
a separate bag that itself is packed into the model’s carry bag).
The hoops provide the fun. In order for all except the small orbits to
fit into the carry bag, they need to be folded down to a smaller size.
The method is to twist one side while holding the other side still. The
twist automatically makes the hoop contract into 3 smaller rings.
The outer orbits are too big to hold in two hands. Let the hoop dangle
from one hand and place your foot on the end that is touching the
ground. Twist the top end just more than half a turn while
simultaneously lowering the hand to the ground – this allows the
hoop to fold to the smaller size.
Once the hoops are packed away, disassemble the model.