No soldering required
CR2032 or CR2025 battery (Energizer or Duracell recommended for longer life)
Normal modeling tools and paints.
Xacto knife.
Drill bits.
Clear polystyrene sheet(optional)
Clear epoxy, model glue of choice
ParaGrafix Pocket Spindrift photo-etch(Optional)
You can drill out the grill holes and light block instead.
Battery installation and removal:
Caution!! Do not install battery incorrectly.
Battery in side up.
To install :
Insert as shown, the lip of the battery under the 2 side prongs,
then press the other side down until it pops in place. It takes a little effort.
To remove :
Do the opposite, pry the end up that you pressed down while installing. It will
take some effort, so if you are unable to do it by finger, slide a small flat screw driver under
that end and pop it up.
The kit:
You will need to light block the entire model, using a bright flash light as you test. Use
multiple layers of black paint. When light no longer penetrates, use gloss white on all interior
as shown in photos throughout the manual.
The kit is designed so that you may permanently glue the board in the rear of the model, up
against the back of the engine, while letting you change the battery after removing the cockpit
interior. Once light blocking is complete and you have tested the board and wired connections
placement, you may glue the board from underneath the board to the bottom of the rear
section. Use hot-glue or epoxy.