FeatherTouch ASCOM Driver Software Setup June, 2007 Copyright Starlight Instruments Inc. 2007 Preliminary documentation version 1.0
This completes the Driver Setup and verification procedure.
FeatherTouch is a trademark of Starlight Instruments Inc.
CCDSoft is a trademark of Software Bisque, Inc.
MaxIm DL and MaxIm DL/CCD are trademarks of Diffraction Limited.
FocusMax is freeware, by Larry Weber and Steve Brady.
ASCOM refers to the ASCOM Standards Initiative – see details at
Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of other companies.
Serial Port detected by driver
Focuser Model – If you choosing “Other” then the Travel
Parameters must be set.
The first parameter represents the step count allowable for the total travel
of the focuser – the second represents the single longest move
Generally left alone at 255 for max speed – If moving a heavy load, could
minimize the effects of inertia by reducing this number.
Shows the distance traveled per step count, depending on Focuser
type and Step Resolution (below)
Check this to reverse the direction of IN/OUT movement
When the focuser is powered down at the end of a session, on the next
power up it will automatically re-zero by default and move
to the last
position held at the previous shutdown. Checking this box will skip this
action. The counter value, however, will be restored to the last held vaue.
Setting the Step Resolution to Fine allows the smallest movement of the
focuser per step. While this gives a higher resolution in step counts, you
may wish to try the Medium or coarse steps to achieve focus over a
shorter range of step counts. For example, if you notice that a large
number of steps are required to observe a perceptible change in focus,
reduce the resolution to Medium or Coarse.
When moving heavy loads, the Backlash setting ensures that repeatability
is maintained by ensuring that the motor will always work against the load
in the final part of the move. The default settings will work in most