• 24/16 dot font type specifications
This command sets the US and EU destined AN characters 24/16 dot fonts. Settings using the
ESC sequence (ESC, F/f) in the print text data string are enabled only in the command, but
settings using this command function as default settings.
STX, 91h, ‘F’/‘f’, 24/16 font setting parameter, ETX, BCC
24/16 font setting parameter
Prints as 24 dot fonts
Prints as 16 dot fonts
Ex-factory default settings are for 24 dot fonts.
16 dot font settings are not possible on reader/writer going to Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
• ANK character thickness specification
This command sets the narrow gothic/thick gothic settings for ANK characters. Settings using
the ESC sequence (ESC, B/b) in the print text data string are enabled only in the command, but
settings using this command function as default settings.
STX, 91h, ‘B’/‘b’, character width setting, ETX, BCC
Character width setting parameter
‘0’: Sets ANK characters to narrow gothic.
‘1’: Sets ANK fonts to enhanced gothic.
‘2’: Disable or double-enhanced gothic fonts are not possible with default settings.
Ex-factory default settings are for narrow gothic fonts.
• Magnetic writing enabled track setting
This command sets the track to write magnetically.
STX, 91h, ‘C’/‘c’, magnetic write enable track setting, ETX, BCC
Magnetic write enable track setting parameter
Enables magnetic writing to track 1.
Enables magnetic writing to track 2.
Enables magnetic writing to track 1 and 2.
Enables magnetic writing to track 3.
Enables magnetic writing to track 1 and 3.
Enables magnetic writing to track 2 and 3.