34) Download bit image print
:<< GS / m >>
: < 1D >h + < 2F >h + m
* < 00
03 >h
Description : Prints “download bit image” in a mode assigned by “m”.
* Modes to be assigned by m are as follows.
Dot density
m Modes
00 Normal mode
203 dpi 203 dpi
01 Double width
203 dpi 101 dpi
02 Vertical double
101 dpi 203 dpi
03 Quadruple
101 dpi 101 dpi
* If there are some data left in the print buffer, this command is neglected.
* If “download bit image” is not defined yet, this command is neglected.
* “Download bit image” data exceeding 1 line cannot be printed.
* “Download bit image” cannot be defined at the same time with “download
character” or “external characters”
35) Macro definition, start and end
:<< GS : >>
: < 1D >h + < 3A >h
Description : Assigns Macro definition start and end. The size of data defined by
Macro is up to 1,024 bytes. Exceeding to 1,024 byte cannot be defined.
* Defined Macros cannot be cleared by “Printer initialization”. Therefore “printer
initialization” can be included in the Macro definition.
* During the Macro definition, printing can proceed.
* Once Macro is defined, the contents become effective until software is reset,
power is set off, or INIT signal is input.
36) Macro execution :<< GS ^ n1 n2 n3 >>
: < 1D >h + < 5E >h + n1 + n2 + n3 * < 0
FF >h
* < 00
FF >h
* < 00
01 >h
Description : Executes Macros being defined
* The definitions of n1, n2 and n3 are:
n1 : times of Macro execution
n2 : wait time of Macro execution
At every execution, there is a wait time of n2 x 100msec.
n3 : Macro execution mode
n3 Mode
01 Execution by FEED switch
* Consecutive execution: Executes “n1” times with a wait time specified at n2.
* FEED switch execute: After a time specified at n2, waits for PE LED blinks and
the FEED switch depressed. After FEED switch is pressed, it executes Macro
once. This action is repeated by n1 times.
* If the printer receives this command during Macro definition, it stops Macro
definition. If it occurs, defined Macros are cleared.
* Nothing occurs if Macro is not defined or n1 = [00]h.
* During Macro execution with n3 = 1, line feed by FEED switch is disabled.