Also, a flicker can be observed as one shakes the lamp. The reason
is the frequency of the 230V ac supply (50Hz), here 100Hz because
there is a rectifier in the supply of each lamp.
DMX512 mode and Test utilities
The DDA4-1000 founds on the well known technology of trailing
edge dimming for ohmic and capacitive loads.
! The load should be connected to the terminals which are
characterized by a lamp symbol. It is possible to connect more than
one lamp in parallel to one output.
If the lamp has a ground wire connection, this is to reconnect.
(Supply cord gn/ye)
2.1 Set Start Address
The three rotary code switches are used to set the decimal DMX
Start address beginning with 001 up to 512.
2.2 Hold last values
The DDA4-1000 hold the last valid DMX data unless the DMX
input is valid again.
Note: Even if a frame has been recognized as valid, it may
happen that data bytes has been changed. (disconnected line).
To deactivate, set DIP-switch S4.1 into the ON position.
2.3 Brightness adjustments (offset)
LED- Filament bulbs / LED light chains have different voltage levels
at which they begin emitting light and at which level they reach their
maximum brightness in spite the dimmer isn't at 100%.
This has its cause in the manufacturing tolerance and by the series
connection of the LEDs. The DDA4-1000 has two selectable offsets
(start and limit) per channel to solve this problem.