DMX512 mode and Test utilities
The DDA2 founds on the well known technology of trailing edge
dimming for ohmic and capacitive loads only.
! The load should be connected to the terminals which are
characterized by a lamp symbol. It is possible to connect more than
one lamp in parallel to one output.
If the lamp has a ground wire connection, this is to reconnect.
(Supply cord gn/ye)
2.1 Set Start Address
The rotary code switches are used to set the decimal DMX Start
address beginning with 001 up to 512.
2.2 Hold last values
The DDA2 hold the last valid DMX data unless the DMX input is
valid again. To deactivate, set DIP-switch S4.1 into the ON position.
2.3 Minimal brightness adjustment (offset)
LED- Filament bulbs / LED light chains have different voltage levels
when they start emitting light. This has its cause in the
manufacturing tolerance and by the series connection of the LEDs.
The DDA2 has two selectable offsets to solve this problem.
One fixed and one adjustable offset which is added to the output
while the DMX512 value is at DMX value = 1 (digit).
DIP switch S4.2 to S4.5 activates the second curve per channel.
The OFF position is for the fix offset mainly for LED light chains.
The ON position uses the adjustable offset which is equal to all
channels. (factory setting = 77 digit for LED filament light bulbs)