1. Functional description
The DDA2 is a DIN-Rail mounted and DMX512 controlled 2 channel
1000W trailing-edge dimmer for ohmic and capacitive loads. It is
especially designed for LED dimming / LED Filament light bulbs for
direct ac supply.
The DDA2 (2x 1000W) is the big brother of the DDA4 (4x50W).
Equal to the DDA4 we follow the same target to reach lowest and
repeatable brightnesses without flickering and jumps.
With the lamp offset, the minimum brightness can be preset to the
DMX512 value 1 as desired.
Due to state-of-the-art circuit technology and the use of current
technology components, the total power dissipation could be
reduced to 7W @ 2000W load.
To be note, the dimming result of some LED Filament Bulbs and
many of LED Glass Spotlight Bulbs (GU10) may not be as wished.
The reason is the use of integrated power supplies at some LED
Bulbs. We recommend to test the LED-Bulb first.
Important notice:
When using LED filament light bulbs, a slight flicker may be
perceived under certain circumstances.
This is no mistake of the DDA2.
The cause are centralized pulses (Rundsteuerimpulse), which are
fed into the Power Supply Network by the electricity suppliers (in
Germany). These pulses are used for controlling public electric
devices like Streetlights and so on.
These signals are only for a few seconds online but they cause
voltage fluctuations which a LED may visualize.
Also, a flicker can be observed as one shakes the lamp. The reason
is the frequency of the 230V ac supply (50Hz), here 100Hz because
there is a rectifier in the supply of each lamp.