Stagecaptain BullsEye Dartboards
Game Types:
General rules of playing darts:
1. Hang the dartboard as shown in the manual.
2. To decide who plays first, each player
or one from each side
throws one
dart. The player hitting nearest to the center starts the game.
3. Players throw three darts each round.
4. Dart scores are only counted from the darts that remain in the dartboard after
the completion of a players throw.
301/501 Tournament dart rules:
1. Each side starts with 301 points. The goal of the game is to reduce the score
until it reaches zero. The method of counting is to subtract the score of each
round from the overall score. The score of 301 is mainly used for games
between two individuals. For team play the opening score should be
increased to 501 or 1001 depending on the team size.
2. Tournament games are usually started straight, but as an alternative, can be
played by starting with any double. This means that a player has to hit a
double before he can score points.
3. To finish the game, a double (or bullseye) which reduces the score to exactly
zero must be thrown.
4. For the purposes of rules 3 and 4 a bullseye counts as a double 25.
5. If a greater score is thrown than is required to win then none of the three
darts count for that round and the score remains as it was before that
particular throw was taken.
6. Each game is called a
make a match and the final winner
is the player who first wins two legs. This can be varied.
Cricket rules:
The objective of the game is to throw out all playing fields from 20 to 10 as well as
the bullseye before the other player does so. In order to throw out a playing field it
must be hit three times. The rating
regardless of whether it is single, double or
does not matter.
Once a player has thrown out a field, he is able to score points on it until another
player has also thrown out the same playing field.
The player that has thrown out all dartboard fields and amassed a score that is
higher than that of his opponents wins. A player is also able to win if he has the
highest score after 20 rounds have been played. In the event of a tie the player with
the most thrown out playing fields wins. If this number is a tie as well, the winner will
be decided through 10 additional throws.
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