ST215C User Handbook
All these error messages cause the ST215C to terminate the firing. The alarm buzzer
will sound once per second. To reset the ST215C turn off the power to the instrument
and have the fault investigated and rectified by your installer or kiln service engineer.
Technical note: these error messages will cause the alarm relay
to open.
Note: these error messages are provided to detect kiln faults
and so offer some protection to the kiln.
Maximum firing time exceeded. The length of
the firing has exceeded an installer selectable
Maximum room temperature exceeded. The
internal temperature of the ST215 has ex-
ceeded an installer selectable limit.
Possible causes: kiln room vent fan failure, kiln room too small, ventilation grills
blocked, damper or bung left open, controller mounted too close to kiln.
Program Error. This error message is dis-
played if a potential error is detected within the
firing program when the ► key is pressed to
start a firing. The alarm buzzer will sound 3
times and the segment display will show the
suspect segment number. To clear this error press the ► key. The ST215 will now
enter programming mode to allow the suspect program to be viewed and altered if
necessary. If a fault is found then correct it. If no fault is found then press the ► key
again to force the firing program to start. A potential programming error is defined as
a very low ramp rate to a very low temperature. Such a programming fault might
cause very long firing times with potential kiln damage.
Firing Program Errors