UM2231 Rev 6
3 Interfaces
3.1 I2C
Teseo-LIV3 supports I2C slave mode only.
Internal 10 K
pull-up resistor on VCC_IO is present. It is important to avoid having other
pull-up for current leakage in low power mode.
UART (pin2, 3)
UART is a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter that supports much of the
functionality of the industry-standard 16C650 UART.
These UARTs vary from industry-standard 16C650 on some minor points which are:
Receive FIFO trigger levels
The deltas of the modem status signals are not available
1.5 stop bit is not supported
Independent receive clock feature is not supported
During prototyping stage, for the first PCBs, it is recommended to plan to have some filtering
components on Teseo-LIV3 UART lines as shown in
Figure 7
Figure 7. UART filtering