Figure 5.
USB composite device
374E for STLINK-V3E without bridges functions
374F for STLINK-V3E with bridges functions
STLINK-V3E firmware upgrade
The STLINK-V3E embeds a firmware upgrade mechanism for in-situ upgrades through the USB port. As the
firmware may evolve during the lifetime of the STLINK-V3E product (for example new functionalities, bug fixes,
support for new microcontroller families), it is recommended to visit the
website before starting to use
the STM32L562E-DK Discovery kit and periodically, to stay up-to-date with the latest firmware version.
Using an external debug tool to program and debug the onboard STM32
There are 2 basic ways to support an external debug tool:
Keep the embedded STLINK-V3E running. Power on the STLINK-V3E at first until the COM LED lights RED.
Then connect the external debug tool through CN8 STDC14/MIPI-10 debug connector.
Set the embedded STLINK-V3E in a high impedance state. When setting the jumper JP6 (STLK_RST) ON,
the embedded STLINK-V3E is in RESET state and all GPIOs are in high impedance. Then the user can
connect his external debug tool on the debug connector CN8.
Figure 6.
Connecting an external debug tool to program the on-board STM32L5
Embedded STLINK-V3E
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