UM2546 Rev 1
Software description
The file "stm32g0xx_it.c" is also part of the application and is used, as usual, to map the
interrupt vector on the driver HAL driver, depending on the module requirement (for debug
trace, and joystick management)
Main demonstration functionalities are in the file demo_disco.c.
5.2 Application
Depending on the door position (GPIO DOOR_SENSE_PIN: PC8), two different sub-
applications may be executed.
In the spy case, USBPD stack is not launched. INA230 is used to know which CC line is
selected for communication, and then decode the messages on it.
In the standalone mode, the full USBPD stack is running.
Table 5. Main applications functions description
Functions (demo_disco.c)
This is the main spy function. It gets the VBUS voltage
and current from the INA230, and gets the voltage level of
both CC lines. If the message queue has some messages
to process, Display_add_spymsg is called
Main function for standalone mode.
Function goal is to fill the USB PD data structures with the
information received from the CC lines. These structures
are then used by the application, to feed the G0 disco
information display.
This function is called on any UCPD event thanks to an
interrupt. It posts the USBPD protocol message seen from
the CC lines to a queue. Later, the application reads this
queue and decode the protocol messages. We don’t
decode the message under interrupt state, to be ready as
soon as possible to see the next messages on the CC
Initialise the LCD, and the voltage monitoring of VBUS
and CC lines.
Used in case of spy mode: to detect which CC line is used
for power delivery protocol exchanges.
Function that posts the joystick press event in a
FreeRTOS queue, thanks to
HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callback function.
Function that is used to manage the joystick up and down
press to navigate into a specific menu (source power
profiles, sink power profiles, extended capabilities,
Function that executes the selected specific action (select
power profile, command…)
Configures the UCPD IP (DMA, Interrupts) to be ready to
capture UCPD messages.