September 2010
Doc ID 17386 Rev 1
User manual
STEVAL-ISW001V1 2.5 kW/135 A MMA welding machine
The STEVAL- ISW001V1 is a 2.5 kW welding machine capable of 135 A of welding current.
It is designed for small industrial applications and domestic use in many DIY applications.
The machine is ready-to-use and designed to implement the Manual Metal Arc (MMA)
welding process and to weld iron and steel following MMA process recommendations.
The board is intended for demonstration purposes in order to evaluate the potential of silicon
devices on high power/current applications where the robustness/efficiency of the silicon
part is the key point for a reliable system.
The whole system is made up of two boards. A power board, where all the power devices
involved in the power conversion are fitted, and a small control board, which includes a
PWM generator and an analog control circuitry necessary to manage the MMA welding
The design is:
Quick to set up and install
Re-usable (the Gerber files are available free)
Ready to downsize if required
Please read the safety and operating instructions section before attempting any operation
with this manual. Further technical and theoretical information on this board can be found in
the application note AN3200; 2.5 kW MMA welding machine.
Figure 1.
Typical low-end welding machine topology