Emulation configuration
ST7-EMU3 series emulator
4.3 ST Micro Connect
The ST Micro Connect box is a common hardware target interface for a range of ST7. It
connects to your application via the EMU3 probe (emulation configuration) or the ICC Add-
on (in-circuit communication configuration). Depending on the configuration and your PC’s
operating system, it allows you to connect your PC via parallel port, USB port or Ethernet
Figure 16.
ST Micro Connect box
4.3.1 Physical
Front panel
On the front panel of the ST Micro Connect box you will find:
On/Off switch for the emulator,
input and output trigger connectors,
emulator status LEDs,
26-pin ‘Ext Link,’ for ICC connection,
ports for two 80-pin flat cables that connect the ST Micro Connect box to the EMU3
The three emulator status LEDs on the front panel of the ST Micro Connect box indicate the
state of the development tool during emulation:
Reset (Red)—indicates that the ST7 emulation chip is being reset. In addition, there is
one LED on the EMU3 probe, near the ST Micro Connect connectors, that lights when
data is being communicated between the ST Micro Connect box and the EMU3 probe.
Wait (Yellow)—indicates that emulator is in halt or wait for interrupt mode.
Run (Green)—indicates that the ST7 application is running (the ST7 is not in RESET,
WFI or HALT mode).