The disposal of special wastes is regulated by specific norms. In order to perform this operation
it is necessary to obtain the relevant information from the Local Offices specifically appointed
to rule on this subject. The non compliance with these regulations can cause considerable
damage to persons and animals as well as polluting the environment.
The use of phytosanitary products might imply a more or less high chemical risk for the workers on
the basis of the toxicity and the dangerous properties of the phytosanitary product, of the level and
duration of the exposure, of the absorption level through the respiratory tract, the skin, the mucosa
and the ingestive tract, as well as the way and frequency of the use. The “personal protective
equipment” (PPE) are equipment that all the users of the machine need to wear and hold in order to
be protected by one or more risks that are capable to treath the security or healthy during the job.
Regarding the basic requirements, PPE have to:
- be suitable to the risks that have to be prevented, without causing major risks themselves;
- be suitable to the existing conditions on the workplace;
- consider the ergonomic (easily adaptable, easy to wear and safe) or health needs for any users;
- be adaptable to the user according to his/her needs.
The PPE for the protection against dangerous chemical agents used for the operations that concern
the exposition to phytosanitary products , pertains to the third class (3rd class – 0000).
Use solely PPE equipped with the
needed CE mark, in the scrupulous
respect of the regulations in force in
the country where the machine is in
use and adequate to the
phytosanitary product used.
It’s needed to use the PPE in each of the
following working stage:
- tank filling and addition of the
phytosanitary product;
- spraying,
- calibration of the sprayer,
- draining and cleaning of the tank,
- phytosanitary product replacement,
- servicing.
Filters must be replaced following the producers’ instructions, and in any case:
- in case a bad smell is noticed;
- in case a resistance to the respiratory function is noticed;
- at least once a year in case of occasional use.
For ALL PPE in use, follow the use instruction declared by the PPE producers.
The following must be worn:
- for the protection of the body (gloves, suits,
- for the protection of the respiratory tract, of
the head and of the eyes (helmet, masks, filters,
glasses, hoods and headdresses).
ST102 - 300L/400L/600L/800L/1000L
- Tractor Mounted