ZigBee smartplug
Doc ID 18209 Rev 1
2 ZigBee
2.1 Smartplug
The smartplug coordinator is connected via an SPI to the STM3210C-EVAL through an “Ad-
Hoc” adapter.
it is possible to take a quick look at the STM3210C-EVAL board and a smartplug
node block diagram.
Figure 1.
STM3210C-EVAL block scheme
An adapter is connected to the extended connectors CN8 and CN9 on the STM3210C-
EVAL (for more detailed information please refer to the UM0600 user manual), it allows the
connection of a ZigBee smartplug coordinator and the I
C/RF dual interface EEPROM
M24LR64-r. The Gerber files of the adapter board are included in the setup package of this
The ZigBee smartplug board can be used as a guide to build a home/building automation
subsystem for energy management. In a typical application, the board is plugged into an
electrical wall socket and supplies an electrical load, monitoring the energy consumption;
using several smartplugs it is possible to monitor and control the home/building energy
consumption socket by socket. The board includes the following functions, shown in the
block diagram of
Energy measurement
Load differential current
Load driving by relay or TRIAC (dimming)
ZigBee communication capability.