ZigBee smartplug
Doc ID 18209 Rev 1
Figure 2.
Block diagram
The STEVAL-IHP001V3 is a smartplug board based on an STM32F10x microcontroller, a
SPZB260 ZigBee module, and an STPM01 energy metering IC.
It implements a ZigBee metering node which allows the final user to monitor and manage
energy consumption.
The board has been developed as a guide to build a home/building automation subsystem
for energy management. In a typical home system implementation, the board is plugged into
an electrical wall socket and supplies a home appliance or other generic electrical load.
The current, power, energy, and other information, related to the electrical load connected to
the smartplug board, can be displayed locally on an LCD screen, and are sent to a ZigBee
data concentrator through the home/building ZigBee network.
2.2 ZigBee
ZigBee smartplug communication is based on the SPZB260 module with a DIL adapter. The
module is FCC compliant (FCC ID:S9NZB260A). The module is based on the SN260
ZigBee network processor which integrates a 2.4 GHz, IEEE 802.15.4 compliant
transceiver, as well as IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and MAC. The main features are:
0dBm nominal TX output power
-92dBm RX sensitivity
+2dBm TX output power in boost mode
RX filtering for co-existence with IEEE 802.11g and Bluetooth
For further details please refer to the SPZB260 module and the SN260 network processor
For more information, see the UM0608 user manual, STEVAL-IHP001V3 schematics
diagram, and AN2993 application note.