In order to update the
ST 401 ‘Cayman’
firmware, do the following:
– turn off the device (if activated)
– using a thin object, open the micro-USB socket cover on the antenna panel (Fig. 4: 13)
– connect
ST 401 ‘Cayman’
to the computer using a USB/micro-USB cable
– turn on the device
– when the power-on LED (Fig. 4: 1) lights up, press and hold the SENS
button for
5 seconds, whereupon the power-on LED will go dim to indicate that the device is now in the
updating mode
– turn off the device
– follow instructions in the README file that comes with the update.
Once the updating process has started, ST 401 ‘Cayman’ can only be switched
into operation again upon completion of the update installation.
ST 401 ‘Cayman’
is powered from 2 Li-ion rechargeable batteries (type 18650). 4 batteries
are included in the delivery set. The total run time on one battery charge is from 2 to 3 hours,
depending on the modes employed; the most demanding in terms of power consumption is the
AUDIO mode.
The batteries are housed in the battery compartment inside the handle. Battery insertion is
described in 2.1 above.
ST 401 ‘Cayman’
monitors its battery charge status. A continuously lit DC LED (Fig. 4: 1) on
the antenna head means that the battery charge is sufficient. A low battery charge will be signalled
by blinking of the DC LED and a warning sound. If the charge goes below the critical threshold,
the device will switch off automatically.
Type 18650 batteries can be charged with the charger included in the delivery set. The
charging time of fully discharged batteries is 3 hours. As these batteries are free of memory effect,
incomplete charging is acceptable, but the running time will then be shorter.
The following is not allowed:
– long-term storage of discharged batteries
– long-term storage of batteries at low temperatures
– short-circuiting battery contacts
– subjecting batteries to strong shock
– transportation of the device with installed batteries.
Use of the device is subject to safety regulations for equipment incorporating UHF
transmitters. The following must be observed at all times:
• Avoid long exposure of people to the antenna beam (the main lobe of the polar diagram) at
distances less than 1m.
• Do not point the antenna at people’s eyes at distances less than 1m.
If the device has been transported at temperatures well outside the service temperature range,
make sure to keep the device indoors at service temperature for 2 hours before use.
The device must be stored in heated storage facilities pursuant to GOST V9.003–80 (ГОСТ
В9.003–80). The following conditions must be maintained:
1) ambient temperatures from + 0 to 50°С;
2) relative air humidity 80 percent at 30°С;
3) atmospheric pressure from 630 to 820 mmHg;
4) absence of acidic, alkaline, or other aggressive vapours.
The device can be transported in standard packaging by any suitable means of conveyance
(in a pressurised module, if transported by plane) as long as it is protected from atmospheric
moisture. While transporting the device, avoid dropping or otherwise subjecting it to strong
impacts. During transportation, the mechanical conditions must comply with medium level
requirements per GOST В20.57.310–76, while the ambient conditions must correspond to those
specified by GOST В9.003–80 for open-air storage.