Device 0_cmd0~ Device 15_cmd0's response status
: The response status of the internal commands
The response status of the user’s commands
: The response status of the user commands, defined as:
0---- Didn’t execute
1---- Correct response
2---- Parity error
3---- No Answer
4---- Error defined in protocol
5---- No connecting
Universal receiving label
: The receiving label under the universal model. Changing one time indicates that
the HART interface received a HART frame.
Universal receiving data length
: The length of received data under the universal mode
Universal receiving error counter
: The number of universal receiving error times
Universal receiving data
: Stores the received data of the HART interface under the universal mode
Reset to send and receive error counter
: The control signal of the GT200-HT-MT. When this value
changes, all the counters will be set to 0
Polling status
: This bit is readable and writable. “1” indicates the polling output is enabled and “0” indicates
the polling output is disabled.
Trigger label
: Changing the value will result in a trigger operation
Trigger command number
: Command number executed by trigger operation
Universal mode
status: "1" indicates the universal transfer function is enabled, otherwise universal transfer
function is disabled.
Universal sending label
: The sending label under the universal mode. Changing one time indicates that the
HART interface sent a HART frame.
Universal sending data length
: The length of sent data under the universal mode
Universal sending data
: Stores the sent data of the HART interface under the universal mode
Register address calculation formula: Memory address=the starting memory address of HART the
offset of register; Modbus register address=Buffer address/2 (integral part of the result indicates register
address, the remainder indicates the low bit of register address, and otherwise it is the high bit). For example,