address 0 can be connected;
Maximum repetitions
Select the number of the HART command retries ans the range is
Polling Enable
: Select whether to use polling feature;
Delay between Polls
: Set delay time between two commands and the range is 256~65535ms;
Response Timeout
: Set the wait time for the response from HART instruments and the range is 256~65535ms;
How to Action after N successive Response Timeout
: Clear input data when the number of timeout is more than
the set number, or keep the data;
Successive Response Timeout for N times
: The max number of timeout before clear the data and the range is
1~14. Add Slave Nodes
Click the selected HART channel, right click on it and select "Add Node" in the pop-up menu.
Click the added node, set device address in the right configuration plate.