background image



 - Reset. Use this button to reset the voltmeter software in the off chance that a malfunction 



 - This button selects between the default needle meter and numerical displays


 - Display ON/OFF button. Save power when not in use by turning off the display.


Signals can be measured unaffected by the signal processor using this jack. The signal present 
here is buffered and hard wired to the adjacent THRU jack to the right of this input.


The jack lOUT is the post processor output. This output is buffered and normaled to the 
THRU jack and acts as a +OUT multiple. However, using the DIRECT VM INPUT jack will break the 
multiple as indicated on the panel. If a jack was connected in the THRU output, the new signal 
inserted into VM will now be present on that jack.


This output provides and inverted version of the post processor output. Please note that the 
information on the display is indicative of the +OUT only; unless you self patch the -OUT into the 
VM input.





Compact Utility

Finally - a compact utility that addresses your needs. GND CTRL was designed to fill a gaping hole or should we say an - overfilled hole in 
the utility world. Until now, utility modules were designed with rarely more than one basic function. This often required filling up 
limited rack space with attenuators, multiples and inverters -taking up space needed for that new VCO or VCF - and still, without any 
convenient way to measure or even scale CVs. 
Even more frustrating is that all that redundancy of function in one module is hardly necessary in a small system or for typical small to 
medium sized patches. GND CTRL takes the best of utilities and couples them with the convenience of a built in voltmeter and preset 
scaling unit in a compact and space saving 8hp. There is no doubt GND CTRL will make patching easier and more efficient while saving 
panel resources.

Voltage Bridging

The growing variety of analog and microprocessor driven modules in Euro is great, but given the lack of standards, not all modules 
produce or accept the same range of control voltages. GND CTRL’s gain presets address this issue and provide an easy way to interface 
modules while getting the best range and response. Common voltages produced and utilized by the majority of Eurorack audio/video 
modules are unipolar; 0.5V, 0-1V, 0-5V, 0-10V and b/-2.5V and +/-5V. The Presets address these conversion ratios. With the 
visual aid of the voltmeter along with the Manual Attenuator and DC bias make this task a simple one.  Dead spots and compatibility 
issues are history. 

Bridging External Devices

GND CTRL can be used to boost line level signals for use in the modular environment and similarly to attenuate modular signals for 
monitoring level sensitive devices.

DC Voltage Source

Use the DC Bias to produce an adjustable bipolar DC voltage source. Mix the signal with modulators or use as a trigger voltage source for 
pressure sensitive resistors and voltage source for boosting CV range. The currently displayed voltage is available at the +OUT and THRU 
outputs as well as an inverted version at the -OUT output.

Know Your Voltages!

Knowing precise voltage levels in a patch is far more accurate than remembering a knob’s position. We all know just how subtle settings 
can be.
Not only that but this knowledge provides a much deeper understanding of modular synthesis and what is happening in your patches.







.1                        Divide by 10                  Video & Ext Bridging







                        Divide by 5                   Video & CV Bridging






             Divide by 2                  CV Scaling, 10V to 5V




                    5V to 2.5V


                  Unity                                       No Gain


           Multiply by 2               CV Scaling, 5V to 10V




                    2.5V to 5V


           Multiply by 5            CV Scaling, 1V to 5V




        Boost Low/Ext Signals


          Multiply by 10           CV Scaling, 1V to 10V




        Boost Low/Ext Signals 





Do not attempt to jumper the 6 pin header on the back of the GND CTRL PCB! 

This is for possible future voltmeter firmware updates. There are no 

easter eggs or secret settings beyond the possibility of a “SURPRISE, YOU FRIED YOUR MODULE!” smoke fest. You will also void any possibilty of a free repair.
That being said, we are here to help if you ever have any problems with our modules! If you are curious and have questions just ask :)
The number one cause of damage are reversed or misaligned power connections. Always abide by the -12V aligned with the RED stripe rule for SSF modules. 
We do tolerate mistakes as all our modules are reverse polarity protected but do please pay attention because not all modules have this feature!

Thank you for your purchase and as always - ENJOY!


The calibration should be performed exactly as follows:

Using an accurate multi-meter to three decimal places. 

And a stable voltage source.

1.) Start up GC and the multi-meter. 

2.) Patch the voltage source to a attenuator and then    

to the AUX input of GC.

3.) Patch a cable from the THRU output on GC to the 

multi-meter probe leads.

4.) Using the multimeter, set the voltage from your 

voltage source to 5.35 or close to that - just a value to 

two decimal places that is close to 5V but not 5V exactly!  

5.) Set the stabilizer pot to about 9 O'clock

6.) Using the PCB trimmer and taking the measurement 

off the MAX reading - set GC MAX reading to exactly 

what you get off the multi-meter to two decimal places 

- as close as possible.

7.) Using the attenuator on your voltage source, cycle 

through voltages from 0 to 10V and make sure that the 

reading is within 10-15mV across the board or as close 

to that as is possible . The reading will slightly skew 

increasingly off the mark as you tend away from 5V in 

both directions. But doing it this way gives the best all 

round performance.
