General Information
The SIM928 Isolated Voltage Source, part of Stanford Research Sys-
tems’ Small Instrumentation Modules family, is a low-noise pro-
grammable voltage source intended for sensor biasing and other
demanding, low-power applications. Dual, auto-switching inter-
nal nickel-metal-hydride batteries provide continuous uninterrupted
operation at the isolated output, which can deliver up to
20 V bias
at up to
10 mA current load.
Safety and Preparation for Use
The front-panel binding post outputs (
) are isolated from
the Earth, the power-line-outlet ground, and the metal chassis of
the module. No dangerous voltages are generated by the SIM928.
However, if a dangerous voltage is externally applied to the module,
it may be present on (either) binding post connector, the chassis, or
the SIM interface connector, and may cause injury or death.
Do not exceed
V to the Earth at either binding post terminal.
The SIM928 ships from the factory with the internal battery pack
installed and ready for operation. Do not install substitute parts or
perform any unauthorized modifications to this instrument.
The SIM928 is a single-wide module designed to be used inside the
SIM900 Mainframe. Do not turn on the power until the module is
completely inserted into the mainframe and locked in place.