command line (separated by semicolons, of course) the answers will be
returned in a single response line separated by semicolons. The FS700
sends a linefeed plus EOI as the response terminator.
Examples of Command Formats:
FREQ 27 <lf>
Sets the Frequency Output to 10 MHz (1 parameter).
FREQ? <lf>
Queries the Frequency Output setting (query of one
parameter command).
Queries the device identification (query, no
STRT <lf>
Starts station search (no parameters).
Programming Errors
The FS700 reports two types of errors that may occur during command
execution: command errors and execution errors. Command errors are
errors in the command syntax. For example, unrecognized commands,
illegal queries, lack of terminators, and non-numeric arguments are
examples of command errors. Execution errors are errors that occur
during the execution of syntactically correct commands. For example,
out of range parameters and commands that would cause the FS700 to
become unlocked are classified as execution errors.
Detailed Command List
The four letter mnemonic in each command sequence specifies the
command. The rest of the sequence consists of parameters. Multiple
parameters are separated by commas. Parameters shown in {} are
optional while those not in {} are required. Commands that may be
queried have a question mark in parentheses (?) after the mnemonic.
Commands that may ONLY be queried have a ? after the mnemonic.
Commands that MAY NOT be queried have no ?. Do not send () or {}
as part of the command.
All variables may be expressed in integer, floating point, or exponential
format (i.e., the number five may be expressed as 5, 5.0, or .5E1).
Tracking Control Commands
AUTO (?) {i}
The AUTO i command sets the search mode to either manual (i = 0),
or auto (i = 1). The AUTO? query returns the current search mode.
FLLT (?) {i}
The FLLT i command sets the Frequency locked loop time constant to
the value indexed by i. The FLLT? query returns the current setting.
Time Constant (number of GRI's)
128 GRI
256 GRI
512 GRI
1024 GRI
2048 GRI
4096 GRI