Bleed Procedure
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
B l e e d P r o c e d u r e
Insert the rebound adjuster knob into the rebound shaft until it
Insert the rebound adjuster knob into the rebound shaft until it
contacts the rebound adjuster screw. Rotate the knob
contacts the rebound adjuster screw. Rotate the knob
counter-clockwise until it stops to open the rebound.
counter-clockwise until it stops to open the rebound.
Remove the rebound adjuster knob from the shaft.
Remove the rebound adjuster knob from the shaft.
Remove the bleed screw from the top cap.
Remove the bleed screw from the top cap.
Oil will
eject from the damper assembly if the shaft is compressed.
Wear safety glasses.
Hold the damper over an oil pan. Compress the rebound shaft to
Hold the damper over an oil pan. Compress the rebound shaft to
purge the oil from the port in the damper top cap. Cycle the rebound
purge the oil from the port in the damper top cap. Cycle the rebound
shaft to empty the oil from the damper top cap.
shaft to empty the oil from the damper top cap.
Oil will eject from the damper assembly. Hold the damper top cap
downward to avoid oil spray in the eyes.
Fill a bleed syringe full with suspension oil. Slowly depress the plunger
Fill a bleed syringe full with suspension oil. Slowly depress the plunger
to remove any air bubbles from the syringe.
to remove any air bubbles from the syringe.
Only use the syringe included with the RockShox Standard Bleed kit.
Do not use syringes that have been in contact with DOT brake fluid.
DOT brake fluid will permanently damage the damper.
2.5 mm or Rebound Adjuster
PLUSH 3wt RockShox Bleed Syringe