Fork Installation
Spray isopropyl alcohol or water on the inner surface of each frame
Spray isopropyl alcohol or water on the inner surface of each frame
bumper and the upper tubes. Reinstall the frame bumpers onto the
bumper and the upper tubes. Reinstall the frame bumpers onto the
upper tubes.
upper tubes.
Loosen the lower crown pinch bolt.
Loosen the lower crown pinch bolt.
Push and twist the upper tubes through the upper crown until both
Push and twist the upper tubes through the upper crown until both
upper tubes extend past the top of the upper crown by an equal
upper tubes extend past the top of the upper crown by an equal
amount and at least 2 mm.
amount and at least 2 mm.
Measure the distance from the top of the upper tube to the top of the
Measure the distance from the top of the upper tube to the top of the
lower crown. This distance must be 164 mm (±2 mm).
lower crown. This distance must be 164 mm (±2 mm).
The length of the upper tubes measured from the top of the upper
tube to the top of the lower crown must be
not less than 162 mm
not greater than 166 mm
. Tire contact with the lower crown
and/or damage to the fork while riding may result in loss of control
and serious injury to the rider.
4 mm
164 mm (±2 mm)