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www.squibbtaylor.com 1.800.345.8105
While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Individuals using this literature must exercise their independent judgment in evaluating product selection and determining
product appropriateness for their particular purpose, system requirements and certifications. The manufacturer reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
1. Remove the Phillips
Head Screw from
the Break-Away
Replacement Of The Break-Away Insert
2. Remove the Break-Away Insert
from the Break-Away Coupling.
Grasp the outside of the
Coupling & push on the
Break-Away Insert until it
is free of the Coupling.
3. Make sure that you
push the Break-Away
Insert out of the
Coupling on the side
that is attached to the
Manual Release.
4. Remove the Manual
Release cable from the
Break-Away Insert.
Manual Release
6. Discard the
Break-Away Insert.
Inspect the Crimped
Ends of the Cables
for wear or
Break-Away Insert
8. Replace the Manual
Release Cable End
back into the new
Break-Away Insert.
7. Replace the Looped
Cable End back
into the New
Break-Away Insert.
9. Keep both cables
spread apart from
the center of the
Break-Away Insert.
Slide the Coupling over
the Break-Away Insert,
just enough to cover
the ends of the cables.
10. Line the Big Hole
in the Coupling
up with the hole
that is in the
Break-Away Insert.
Line Up Holes
11. Replace the Phillips
Head Screw as
shown. Tighten the
screw with a Phillips
Head Screw driver.
12. Check both cables.
Make sure that
each cable rotates
in & out.
Looped Cable
Manual Release
The Break-Away Insert should be replaced after a Break-Away.
Manual Release
5. Remove the Looped
Cable from the
Break-Away Insert.
Looped Cable
Push On
The Looped
Cable Side
Cable Ends
DO NOT Modify the Cable/Carabinier Assembly. Could cause Injury or Death! Only Use Squibb Taylor Replacement Parts.