5. Remove the piezometer, open the liquid valve and gas valve completely using a spanner.
6. Tighten the screw caps of the valves and the refrigerant charging vent.
7. Reinstall the handle.
Leakage Detection
Leakage detection may be identified using a leak detector.
Dry nitrogen pressure test maximum allowable pressure 400psi if the outdoor system is
depleted of all refrigerants during repairs.
Alternatively, if a leak detector is not available, apply soapy water at the suspected position of
the leak. Observe over the course of approximately 3 minutes. Emerging air bubbles will
indicate the position of the leak, should one exist.
Alternatively, Vacuum check, pull a deep vacuum, 200 microns as a minimum for 30 min.
Test Operation
1. Turn the power on and press the ‘On / Off’ button on the remote controller.
2. Press the ‘Mode’ button to select Cool and Heat modes (if available) and check whether the
unit operates as expected.
Please check the following after completing the installation.
Post Installation Checklist
Has the unit been installed correctly?
Has a refrigerant leakage test been performed?
Is the insulation of the drain pipe installed?
Does water drain well?
Is the electric wiring and piping installed correctly?
Is the unit grounded securely?
Does the power cord follow the specification?