S-Nano User Guide
Version 1.0 Oct 2012
© Copyright 2012 SPROG DCC
Before reporting any problems please check the SPROG DCC homepage for
any bug reports or updates. There is a SPROG DCC FAQ page which will be
updated to reflect the most common questions people have about SPROG.
One common problem is the configuration of the “Virtual COM Port” for S-
s. Please review the information in the section “Edit DecoderPro
If this is not successful, it is often effective to delete the file containing the
Preferences settings. This file is in the user’s data area on the computer and
is named
On any computer, this is stored in the user’s data area, in the JMRI folder. Be
sure that DecoderPro is not running, locate and delete this file, and then start
DecoderPro once more. Set preferences as before, and restart DecoderPro.
If you have problems please use the SPROG console (found under the
SPROG menu in DecoderPro), recreate the problem and send the output of
the command monitor to
or (for North American
with a description of the problem.