S-Nano User Guide
Version 1.0 Oct 2012
© Copyright 2012 SPROG DCC
Layout Control with S-NANO
S-Nano Command Station Mode
As well as operating a layout, S-Nano can write CVs in operations mode (also
known as “on the main” programming) but the contents of CVs cannot be
read back.
You may open multiple throttles, one for each loco you wish to control. See
below for a note on the limit to the number of locos that can be controlled.
Use the power control in any of the throttles to turn the track power on or off.
An additional feature in Command Station mode is the slot monitor which is
accessed from the SPROG menu in the main DecoderPro window
The top portion of the slot monitor contains a checkbox to control whether
unused slots are displayed, a button to force an emergency stop of all locos
and the output current being supplied by the S-Nano.
The output current reading will not be valid for S-Nano.
The remainder of the slot monitor is the list of slots, at least one slot is
associated with each throttle (see below).