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©2016  Gaiam Americas, Inc. All rights reserved. SPRI is a registered trademark of Gaiam Americas, Inc. Manufactured and distributed by Gaiam Americas, Inc., Louisville, CO 80027-2452. 

 SKU 07-70225GUIDE

E X E R C I S E   G U I D E


H O P - S C O T C H

Stand on one foot on dot at 
end of line and balance, hop 
forward diagonally, switch 
legs and land softly on ball of 
foot while crossing opposite 
leg behind body. Immediately 
hop forward diagonally in 

opposite direction alternating 
feet from dot to dot in a 
continuous manner. Upon 
completion of activity pattern, 
turn around at end and 
repeat in opposite direction. 

Stand on two feet on end 
dot, hop forward, spread legs 
and land softly on balls of feet 
with one foot on each dot. 
Immediately hop forward in 
a continuous together/apart 

foot pattern. Jump, land, 
and turn on dots at opposite 
end and repeat continuous 
together/apart foot pattern  
in opposite direction. 


Stand on one foot on outer 
circle dot and balance, hop 
inward toward dot in middle 
of circle, land softly on ball of 
opposite foot and balance. 
Then hop outward toward 
another outer circle, land 
softly on ball of opposite 

foot and balance. Continue 
alternate foot continuous 
hopping pattern from outer 
circle dot to middle circle dot 
until you have hopped onto 
all outer circle dots. Switch 
lead leg and repeat. 


Stand with one foot on 
each middle dot, hop 
forward diagonally onto 
corner dot and land softly 
on balls of feet. Hop 
backward onto middle 
dots, then immediately hop 

backward diagonally onto 
corner dot and land softly 
on balls of feet. Continue 
forward/backward two-leg 
continuous diagonal hopping 
pattern from middle dots to 
alternate corner dot. 

w w w. s p r i . c o m

