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Projector Impact Screen Layout



Installation Instructions 



Locate the area where the Projector Impact Screen will be installed.  It needs to be hung a 
minimum of 18 inches from the back wall and a minimum of 18 inches from any side wall.   

(Recommended distance of 2 feet from any wall)




Start at one end of the installation area.  Measure a minimum of 18 inches off the side wall 
from where the Projector Impact Screen will hang and make a mark on the ceiling.  Now 
measure a minimum of 18 inches from the back wall where you are starting and make a mark.  
Ensure that the 2 marks cross to allow for accurate installation. 



Measure 128 inches from the first mark on the ceiling, parallel to the back wall, and make a 
mark.  Now measure a minimum of 18 inches from the back wall and make a mark ensuring the 
2 marks cross. 


Install these 2 white ceiling hooks per the instructions on the back of the enclosed package 
using the marks on the ceiling as center points. 


Remove the Projector Impact Screen from the box and spread out on the floor.  The front of the 
Projector Impact Screen has the netting sewn to it. 


Take the upper corner of the Projector Impact Screen that matches the end from which you 
installed the first ceiling hook and place the elastic band over the hook ensuring the front of the 
Projection Impact Screen is facing into the room. 


Take the elastic band that lines up with the other upper corner of the Projector Impact Screen 
and place the elastic band over the hook. 


Measure in about 48 inches from the center of each of the installed ceiling hooks on ends of the 
Projector Impact Screen and look for the nearest elastic bands.  Make marks on the ceiling 
centered on those 2 elastic bands.  Measure a minimum of 18 inches from the back wall and 
make 2 marks ensuring the 2 marks cross. 


Install the next 2 white ceiling hooks per the instructions on the back of the package. 


Take the 2 elastic bands that line up with these ceiling hooks and place the elastic band over the 



